Fire alarm system
Fire alarm system
In order to observe the principles of safety and fire prevention, you should think of measures to deal with it. The first step in dealing with fire is to use fire alarm systems.
The location of the fire must be known in some way, and therefore one of the most important conditions for fighting a fire is to be informed promptly of the occurrence of the fire, for which fire alarm systems are responsible.
The design should be executed and installed according to the standards and constructive criteria, but the work does not end here. They become inefficient useless equipment.
My Honeywell as a pioneer in the fire alarm industry, a selection of world-renowned brands, including
Sepehr Sanat Company, as the exclusive distributor of fire alarm systems by providing the highest level of technical services and support for products with global quality and competitive prices in the Iranian market, is obliged to gain good trust and satisfaction. Buyers know that ease of installation and short start-up time. Easy-to-use system scalability is a feature of Honeywell products even after launch.